Ways of Giving
Help fulfill our mission to provide a personalized, experiential learning setting so that teens are confidently prepared for successful life journeys.
LEADPrep relies on tuition and fundraising to support this great educational resource. The school’s fundraising goal makes up approximately 10% of the school’s annual operating budget and is a critical source of income. Contributions allow us to keep tuition lower and provides families the opportunity to receive tax benefits from contributions.
We ask that parents make their donation or pledge as early in the school year as possible; pledge payments are due by May 15. To show your support, you may:
Send a check:
Leadership Preparatory Academy, 316 Fourth Avenue South, Kirkland, WA 98033
Use your credit card:
Support with
Amazon Smile
Shop with Amazon to support LEADPrep! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to LEADPrep whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Click here to get started.
Support with Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Shop with Fred Meyer to support LEADPrep! All you have to do is link your Rewards Card and scan it every time you shop at Fred Meyer. Click here to get started (use Leadership Preparatory or YY854).
LEADPrep relies on volunteers to support a broad range of projects. We ask our new families to tell us their skills, interests and passions so that we can call on them to help us. Parents volunteer to do things like plan events, chaperone and drive on trips, provide snacks, fund raise, grant write, and work on the Board of Directors or in committees—just to name a few!
Thank you for your commitment and generosity!